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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Our Pastor spoke on GRUMBLING today, and THANKFULNESS!  I think I am going to work harder in that area.  Because God has provided for me, UP and over  MORE than I truly deserve.  I am not homeless, I never mess a meal.  I have a husband that does LOVE all me and my many personalities.  God wants US HUNGRY for him in a way that we FORGET this temporal LIFE.  See he Chose us at our creation in our Mothers WOMB,  He has his eye on us from that very day of conception till the last breathe we take in this life.  We ARE CHOSEN, It saddens him when those with free will, that hear the GOSPEL that know the truth but choose the secular WORLD  over the ALMIGHTY.  But he never gives up on us till that last breathe if you accept him you shall have eternal life.  My heart hurts for anyone that never gets the simple MESSAGE, For those that twist it and try to mold it into something different than what the scripture says: John 3:16 says it all!  I don't care about man made religion or what the world has made CHURCH into. The BIG EXPENSIVE HIGH TECH FEEL GOOD Church's!  It's NOT about us folks - Not about that little hour you spend there at Church.  Yes he is pleased you came, IT's about Relationship, Relationship, Relationship with Jesus. A Daily Hunger for him that you are transformed.  Just as the scripture speaks of, Once you receive Christ, He lives inside of you.  You become Christ LIKE.  NOT HAUGHTY, But HUMBLE, NOT BOASTFUL but meek and I am a lowly sinner, that seek those that are lost as I once was, He wants you to KNOW HIM. Churches need to focus on relationship with CHRIST and being humble and LOVING all people rather they are Christians or NOT.  For God will have the final say in all things!  I will never be perfect, But in his site I am BEAUTIFUL, I am the Kings Daughter!  I am ROYALTY.  Tears well up in my eyes.  When I think of all the ugly that I have committed in sin.  When I was lost and worldly.  But he never left my side.  I truly always felt his presence in my darkest hours.  Even when I felt that I couldn't do better, I KNEW without a doubt My Mighty God could!  Oh yeah, If you think you can't, Turn it over to God.  You don't have to beg, plead or ask over and over for the same prayer to be heard.  Just tell him!  Praise him! Then when he delivers his answer in his timing. REJOICE! Have FAITH, because some things I have asked for took YEARS to be answered.  But they were answered.  In his timing!  Trust the Master with your LIFE.  Always know that when you think God is not NEAR,  It's when he is the NEAREST!  Because he wants you to Trust and SEEK him DAILY.  Where are you in your relationship with Christ Jesus?  Go talk with him now about it all.  He is patiently waiting.

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