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Friday, August 5, 2011

Adoption Versus Abortion

Adoption Versus Abortion
Some will argue that they are both similar.  That either way as a mother you have a loss.  I have talked to many teens, woman, that are in a Crisis Pregnancies.  When discussing there options with them.  Which there are only three options.  To parent, or make and adoption plan to place, or abort.  I have heard those in Crisis think that it would be so much easier to abort than to make and adoption plan and place there babies in a semi-open adoption or open-adoption.  It really strikes me as strange, That following the decision to abort, Each one of these ladies will say I could NEVER GIVE MY BABY AWAY.  Oh if I have this baby and see my baby I could never give it away!  Then following that same sentence is but I am not ready to be a Mother, or I am in a horrible abusive relationship with the birth father. So I think I will abort.  After asking there opinion on abortion, They often say I am against Abortion.  But will justify it by saying it's the only option they think they can do.  As a birth mother, And a reunited birth mother at that.  I can tell you first hand that Adoption by FAR is the best choice when faced with a Crisis Pregnancy.  A birth mother is a incredible strong, and most unselfish woman you will ever MEET.  I say this because I know the strength that it takes to follow through with an adoption plan.  I for one thought about what she needed.  I didn't think with my heart, I thought with my mind of reason.  That she needed what I wanted her to have.  Two parents, married, In a covenant marriage, siblings, To be well provided for Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually.  I prayed for God's direction in my planning of her placement.  God delivered her through me and unto her adoptive family.  I was the vehicle selected to carry this beautiful LIFE for this family.  I am honored to this day that God chose me. 
(This is my opinion on Adoption versus Abortion, I have seen so much emotional and physical damage caused by abortion.  Abortion the law might saw its a women's right to choose.  But I must speak out and be a voice for the little one that has no voice!  There are alternatives to abortion.  Single parenting is done often with much community support, and adoption is a loving choice and alternative to ending a little innocent ones life.) 
Lucy Franklin, CPAC 

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