I still have mixed emotions on adoption. My feelings are my own personal mixed emotions. (In the case of my daughter) But I do see adoption as a wonderful alternative option to abortion. "Life" is God given. I believe in the triad. I believe also that everyone is different. I have had some adoptees tell me they never felt different that they felt very loved and that they did feel they belonged with the A-parents, Or that they have told me that they didn't belong in the family that they were raised in. I have had adoptees tell me that they had a wonderful life, good adoptive parents and that they still felt they didn't belong. Why is this? It is as unique as we are unique. We are all wonderfully made, Yet deep in our hearts no two people are alike. I have had birthmothers get caught up in that they are the adoptees MOTHER. Yes, we are there First Mothers, in the aspect that we nurtured them in our wombs to birth. (With great love we wanted to be their mothers) We are First Mothers, What I like to call their Angel Bringers of life. But, we are not their Mothers as they know us. A mother is the one that was their for all their needs, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In my case my daughter was told she was adopted when she was 7, she was shocked. She thought how can this be. I look like them! She was told how much she was loved by me, and them. How special she was. After the initial shock, she went and got on the school bus and sang a song to the other kids, I am adopted! I am special! I am adopted! The most healing words I ever heard was from my birthdaughter. She said thank you Lucy for giving me life! She and I have had a good reunion. She is now 22, she has distanced herself lately from me. But that is okay, she is searching still for her own identity. I remember growing up and at 22 I was still searching for myself. I wasn't adopted and I had major issues. Parents do the best they can with their reared children, yet there is still a lot of dysfunctional families created year after year. I had good parents, yet I still was very worldly and hardheaded. If you hit rock bottom enough, you finally learn. Learn to cry out to the Lord!
My thoughts on adoption, are Open. I choose to look at the circumstances, and even in the worst of circumstances I choose to find good. To be strong and preserve over the past. Life goes on. She's living hers, I mine. We are bonded by blood and much love forever. No one can take that from she and I. She knows that her Lucy will always love her, and be there for her, when she falls. I and God will pick her up, and kiss away the hurts. Thank you God for a second chance!
My miracle second chance occurred 7/5/2000. Reunited!!!
My miracle second chance occurred 7/5/2000. Reunited!!!
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