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Saturday, December 17, 2011

With God All Things are Possible! Post- Adoption - Lucy Franklin, CPAC

I can remember like it was yesterday.  The emotions that I felt.  The bottomless pit.  The emptiness inside. The roller coaster daily I road of depression/ anxiety/ second guessing my decision to place my daughter with a family for adoption.  My heart was bleeding tears so loud that could not be heard, For out of love to my family and those that did not understand my sacrifice.  I bled eternal for the love of my "LIFE"  this Child that I bore for another.

What got me through the hardest part of this process was my strong Faith in Christ Jesus.  His promise Matthew 19:26  Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Once I got that scripture securely in my heart, soul, and mind.  I knew with out a shadow of a doubt.  That I would be okay, and most of all this "Child that I did bore for another Mother and family."  Was doing well,  this scripture proved true then, Also when she and I reunited in July of 2000.  It stands true today.  For she and I are both Christians.  He answered my plea and prayer for her and I to reunite.  We did, and are still in reunion.  She is my Blessing.  She I don't think even realizes the impact she has had on my "LIFE" she is my STRENGTH,  as is CHRIST JESUS

The stages of grief you will go through are the following:

Shock and Denial
Sorrow and Depression

The steps to resolving your loss.  Is acknowledging the loss. 

If you just recently placed your baby for adoption.  If you are hurting.  Need help and support, or resources for healing your pain from post-adoption placement.  Visit or contact us at 1-888-803-4956

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