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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Mothers Love - By Lucy Franklin

Today is the day that My MOTHER went to her eternal home 3 years ago in 2008.  I was blessed to have her for 49 years.  Thankful very much to God Almighty for that blessing.  Today I rejoice that she has a new body and no longer suffers. But apart of me today is sad, and very much lonely for her.  She was MY biggest cheerleader, She was one of those SUPER MOMS.  I envy her strength to this day.  One thing I could always count on about my Mother was she had a sweetness about her, Even when she had the most trouble out of me through my teen years.  She never gave up on me.  She had a relationship so strong with Jesus that she knew how to speak to me with out JUDGEMENT.  She spoke the truth with LOVE and Mercy in her precious eyes.  She never failed me. The LOVE she had for myself and two siblings was a love so pure and equal.   I could actually see Jesus's eyes through hers.  That's how much she lived the TRUE CHRISTIAN LIFE.  She was the most humble woman I have ever met.  Always put others before herself.  Not as a mortar, But as she looks down from Heaven above.  I pray that I make her proud. Of the woman she molded me into be.  As parents we have a responsibility to be our children's parents first.  Then their friends.  We must keep them safe and protect them from the evils of the world.  Today as I reflect on my longing and missing her.  I am going to choose right now to do as she would want me to do.  Remove the sadness, and fill it with MY MOTHERS LOVE.  Then for the rest of the day I will reflect on all the memories that my mind does have of a woman MY MOTHER, that lived a full blessed life.  All given to her because she trusted, she believed in
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Her Faith stood on God's promise of John 3:16
As a birthmom I also stand on that promise.  To someday have eternal life with my bdaughter.  For someday that she shall truly know my heart and my great LOVE for her.  More than the words that she has heard me say since being reunited.  She shall SEE for her own eyes in paradise her FIRST MOTHERS LOVE forever!

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