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Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Story

My Story
The year is 1980 and I am going through a divorce and in financial ruins.  Bad enough I am going through a divorce, Then I find out I am pregnant.  Crisis pregnancy!!  I honestly go into denial, But how do you deny that you have a precious living being growing inside of you and your body is changing rapidly, emotionally and physically.  I had to move back in with my parents.  That depressed me, Not that I didn't love them.  I just felt like a big failure.  My marriage failed, Now this.  As hard as it is to say.  I was not ready to be a MOTHER!  I am thankful that I was aware of that about myself.  I honestly didn't know up till my sixth month of pregnancy what I would do.  That's when I contacted the Catholic Charities Adoption Agency in my hometown.   I met with a counselor that helped me through the process of making a adoption plan.  I weighed the options, Single parent.  Or placement.  My heart wanted to RUN with her once she was born.  But my sane logical mind told my heart what was best for "MY PRECIOUS" as I called her.  See she deserved the BEST! I had the best growing up.  Two married parents.  That provided for me very well.  They met all my physical, emotional, and Spiritual needs.  I wanted this for her.  So that's why I worked on a adoption plan that even though it was a closed adoption.  I had a say so in the adoption.  That she would be adopted by a Christian family.  Her parents would raise her to KNOW JESUS.  They would have to be financially strong.  I prayed over this plan for months on end. 
When my daughter was born, I spent three days in the hospital with her.  I changed her little diaper, I sang to her, I cuddled her to my breast.  Through my tears I had long talks with her.  She cooed and peered at me with her deep big brown eyes and coal black hair of silk!  She was gorgeous!  Perfect in every way!  I asked God to bless me with a healthy baby.  He did.  I asked God to help me go through with the adoption plan.  For I needed his divine strength, grace and love and MERCY.  To help me do it.   For my heart wanted to RUN with her! 
I even asked God to let me see her again in the future before I die.  He answered that prior also!  He didn't make me wait long neither.  That prayer was answered just prior to her 19th birthday.
We both had placed our information in  in the reunion registry.  One night I got to snooping around on that site.  Boy was I ever so glad that I did! Because what I found literally made me fall out of my office chair!!! She was there, searching for ME!  To make a long story short.  I got the contact info called her, and now 11 years later and 2 face to faces.  Lots of calls, and emails.  We are still reunited and loving every moment of God's rich blessings!  She has had the LIFE that I wanted for her.  She is a gentle spirit, full of LOVE.  She has got her college degree in education and is now going on to get her masters.  I am blessed.  I am thankful for God selecting ME to help make a family complete. 

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